Message Board is back and working and kicking. All the old topics, posts and members have been transfered here. Everything except your password. Please reset your password if you think you have ever registered on the MKC Site old forums. We have 19,000 users in our database so you must be there somewhere. Just type in either your username (if you can remember it) or your email address that you used on our forums a few years ago and you can have a new password. If you can’t remember your email or if it doesn’t exist anymore, please let me know your new email and I will change it. If you can’t remember your username but you can remember a part of it, just let me know and I will search the database.
You will be able to post on the forums as well as comment on the news right here for example. Which means, not only will you log in to the message board but the whole website.
Thank you all, see you around!