Interesting Trivia

The following trivia was sent by tour guide Wes Carr who was part of the Backstage Pass Tour which took groups through the soundstages at Disney/MGM Studio where MKC was filmed:

  • There was an elevated balcony above the stages behind a soundproof glass window where the guests could look down on what was going on.
  • The Cast Members who worked there were told not to speak to any of the actors unless spoken to.
  • Tracy Douglas kept having wardrobe malfunctions with her costume, and it happened so often she wasn’t even surprised when it did happen. The crew didn’t seem to mind.
  • Fabiana Udenio was filming a scene when she blew a line and started cursing. Since the glass in the tour hallway was soundproof, all the guests saw was the crew cracking up without knowing why.
  • Besides the cobalt mines and city set, there was also Shao Khan’s throne which was carved out of fiberglass and weighed over 300 lbs. There was also a “swing set”, which was basically a large box that could be redressed and used as different locations like the Lin Kuei temple.

Thank you very much!

Create-a-Warrior section has been restored

Create-A-Warrior section is back! Be sure to check out all the cool warriors. You can find it from the Fan Sections menu.

The form where you can submit warrior descriptions will be added soon. In the mean time enjoy the current artwork.

If you think you can draw as well, and you are willing to join our team of artists on a voluntary basis contributing every once in awhile whenever you can get a moment or two to sit down and draw warriors based on the description submitted by fans. Feel free to send a couple of your example drawings (of humanoids) to webmaster [-at-] and you will be contacted with further instructions.

Click here to check out the “CAW” section!

Forum is back and working

Message Board is back and working and kicking. All the old topics, posts and members have been transfered here. Everything except your password. Please reset your password if you think you have ever registered on the MKC Site old forums. We have 19,000 users in our database so you must be there somewhere. Just type in either your username (if you can remember it) or your email address that you used on our forums a few years ago and you can have a new password. If you can’t remember your email or if it doesn’t exist anymore, please let me know your new email and I will change it. If you can’t remember your username but you can remember a part of it, just let me know and I will search the database.

You will be able to post on the forums as well as comment on the news right here for example. Which means, not only will you log in to the message board but the whole website.

Thank you all, see you around!